VP.G2A prevailed over Team Empire in The Kiev Major qualifier

Virtus.pro’s third match on the first day of the group stage of The Kiev Major qualifiers was against Team Empier. Earlier, VP.G2A had defeated Hive- and Team Spirit.

Team Empire scored the first two kills. Two minutes into the game, a team fight ended in an unfavorable 2-for-1 trade for VP.G2A. Two ganks against Empire players improved Virtus.pro’s situation (4-3). The 9th minute saw a 1-for-1 trade in mid lane (5-4). At the 12-minute mark, VP.G2A made two kills in a teamfight, with Empire taking down No[o]ne in response (6-6).

Five minutes later, Virtus.pro lost a teamfight, trading 1 for 3. The next major teamfight occurred near Roshan and ended in a 2-for-2 trade (11-9). Team Empire began playing aggressively, killing two Virtus.pro heroes and proceeding to destroy towers (11-9). At the 34-minute mark, a successful VP.G2A push resulted in four kills.

Virtus.pro forced a buyback from Team.Empire, but were unable to leave the high ground without taking losses (16-14). A large-scale teamfight on mid went 3-for-1 in Virtus.pro’s favor. VP.G2A entered the high ground and destroyed the bottom barracks. After picking up a double damage rune while retreating, Virtus.pro made a surprise attack on Team Empire, scoring three kills (21-17).

Virtus.pro took Roshan and attacked the opponent’s high ground. Team Empire attempted a counter-push, which was unsuccessful. VP.G2A made a series of kills and won the match. забрали Рошана и пошли в атаку на хайграунд соперников. Team Empire попытались отбиться, совершив выпад, но эта идея не увенчалась успехом. Игроки VP.G2A совершили серию минусов и одержали победу.

Natus Vincere G2A will be Virtus.pro G2A’s next opponent. The match will be played March 10 at 20:00 CET.

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