lost to SK Gaming in the first game of EPICENTER 2017

5:16 on Train, 7:16 on Mirage.

Despite losing the first round on Train, Polish Five managed to stop the opponent's advance and claimed five rounds in a row. Unfortunately, Brazilian team SK Gaming retook the initiative and finished the first half 5:10 in their favor. Guys from yet again lost the pistol round after the side swap and couldn't stop the snowballing opponent after the economy stabilization – 5:16.

First pistol round on the second map (Mirage) wasn't successful either for our side. After dropping three rounds, our team mustered the strength to tie the score. But SK Gaming's great defensive plays secured them the victory in the first half, and Marcelo "coldzera" David's 4k in the second half's pistol round left next to no chance for G2A. Polish players didn't give up without fighting back and taking two rounds in defense but ultimately lost 7:16.

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