VP complete The Kiev Major group stage with no losses

In the third round of The Kiev Major group stage, our Dota 2 squad faced TNC Pro Team. The match was a best-of-3. The winner would take the rest of the matchday off and get a top seeding in the playoffs.

First game stats:

Game one began with a midlane kill for Virtus.pro. The early game was even. TNC capitalized on their opponent’s mistake, snatching the initiative. By the 20-minute mark, VP lost all Tier 1 towers. Our team ceded Roshan to the enemy, but was successful in a teamfight and recovered the deficit. TNC Pro Team caught out Virtus.pro again, destroyed a set of barracks and gained the lead again.

After taking down the second Roshan, Virtus.pro won a teamfight, but made a mistake again, resulting in the loss of another set of barracks. The third Roshan also went to our team, who then defended the base and destroyed a set of the opponent’s barracks in a counterattack. The game’s tempo slowed down, both teams focusing on economy and buying items.

TNC prevailed in a mass teamfight, but were unable to end the game in a single attack. Virtus.pro continued to play defensively and repelled a push by the opponent. After losing a fight with less buybacks available, TNC surrendered. The series stood 1-0.

Second game stats:

VP scored the first kill in game two. TNC focused on destroying buildings and left their opponent without T1 towers. Our team took the first Roshan and won several important fights. Gaining a lead, Virtus.pro took out the opponent’s mid barracks.

TNC tried to come back in the game, but were unable to make their picks work in key teamfights. By the 30-minute mark, our team’s advantage had reached a critical level. VP killed Roshan and sent four TNC heroes to their fountain, winning the match.

With three wins, our team was the first to complete the group stage of The Kiev Major. Virtus.pro G2A’s opponent in the playoffs will be known after the group stage ends.

Dota 2