is launching a Warface roster keeps on exploring new esports disciplines. Today we begin our journey in Warface by signing a team that is well-known in the community of the game.
A full championship roster, including the coach, is joining the Bear family: Трейз, Монтон, Ферева, ПлюшевоеМясо, Хокардик and мистер.мерседес. The boys have cemented their slot at the top of the pro scene by winning multiple tournaments, including Pro.Champions Spring 2021 and PRO.FALL Legends 2021.
We acknowledged the efforts of the publisher in developing the esports part of Warface and decided to join in. We have already scheduled a number of activities that will help us set our priorities straight on our long-term presence in the game. Our immediate objective is to be among the top Warface teams and claim some new trophies for our shelf.
You will be able to see our new roster on a LAN scheduled for 17 to 19 of June. Cheer for our boys and explore this new game! Warface roster:
Ali “Трейз” Tagiev (captain);
Anton “Монтон” Kazakov;
Vadim “Ферева” Rulev;
Artur “ПлюшевоеМясо” Jabinec;
Nikita “Хокардик” Lazarenko;
Boris “мистер.мерседес” Hrapov (coach).