advanced to the grand final of The Kiev Major regional qualifier

After defeating Natus Vincere G2A in the upper bracket semi-final of The Kiev Major closed regional qualifier, faced Team Empire. The match was a best-of-3.

First map stats: drew first blood. The two teams traded kills on mid, after which VP.G2A took down two Team Empire heroes (4-2). Nine minutes into the game, Empire evened the score on kills with ganks against VP’s two supports. did not take long to respond with two kills (6-4). Both teams smoked up and ran into each other on mid. The teamfight resulted in a rampage for Team Empire, who snatched the initiative (8-10).

At the 19-minute mark, Empire took down two VP.G2A heroes, losing only one. took Roshan and went on a counter-push, but lost two players again (9-17). Both teams switched to positional play, with Team Empire hesitant to attack despite being significantly in the lead. At the 34-minute mark, Team Empire attacked the opponent’s high ground, where they made a series of kills and won the game.

Second map stats:

Team Empire scored the first kill, only for VP.G2A to respond immediately with a trade (1-1). were playing aggressively in the lanes from the outset, ganking VP’s heroes (3:1). The two teams traded kills, after which VP took Roshan.

12 minutes into the game, won a teamfight on bottom, trading favorably (6-3). VP.G2A continued to dominate, forcing Team Empire to go into full defensive mode. In one of the ensuing teamfights, at the 21-minute mark, made four kills, forcing the opponent to surrender.

Third map stats:

VP.G2A drew first blood. A misplay from Empire on top allowed to add a second kill (2-0). At the 8-minute mark, the two teams traded a kill each. Four minutes later on mid, VP traded 1 for 2. Team Empire attempted to attack the opponent in the Rosh pit, but Solo noticed the player displacement, and won the mass teamfight.

After throwing the enemy Night Stalker onto an elevated spot he was unable to move from, VP.G2A entered Empire’s high ground and destroyed several buildings, cementing their lead (17-4). Team Empire smoked up and tried to strike at from the rear, but the Bears made three kills and won the game.

The victory over Team Empire guaranteed VP.G2A’s advancement to the grand final of the qualifier, which will be played March 13 at 18:00 CET.

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