wins Invictus Gaming

4 games on DAС 2018 – 4 wins!

The first blood had been shed by Invictus Gaming. The early game didn't result in a significant lead for any of the teams. have outfarmed their opponents, and soon destroyed all of the enemy's outer structures. Although VP have claimed the first Roshan of the game, they were unable to capitalize on the Aegis. The Chinese team showed a good Highground defense, but's advantage didn't leave them much chance of a long-term resistance. After a victory in a crucial teamfight, VP began the final push on Invictus Gaming's base, ending the game.

The match against Mineski was opened up with a first blood on Mineski's midlaner. During the early game, outperformed their opponents both farm-wise and gank-wise. After the first Roshan was claimed by VP, our players immediately pushed Asia's representatives' Highground, destroying their midlane. As a result, have out-edged the opponents in yet another teamfight and claimed the victory.


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