defeats Evil Geniuses and goes to Major semi-finals!

Kryptonite, you say?



Game one

Everything started with a kill in favor of Evil Geniuses. However, have seized the lead after a positional struggle, and then claimed a couple of teamfights in a row. VP's positional advantage allowed them to take the first Roshan of the match. Following that, forced EG inside their base, all while continuing to grow their lead. The game culminated in a teamfight on the 30th minute of the match, with decisively closing out the game.

Game two have won the early game. First Roshan also went in VP's favor; on the 20th minute, EG lost a toplane skirmish. However, 10 minutes later, Evil Genius snatched a second Roshan thanks to their Smokes and teamwiped VP. The scales were tipped in favor of the North American team from now on. The game ended on a 35-minute mark - faultered in a massive teamfight near their shrine and were forced to concede.

Game three

The deciding map was opened up with a firstblood which resulted in the early game ending in VP's favor. Both teams showed extreme respect and cautiousness and were more focused on contesting the objectives. killed Roshan on the 25-minute mark. EG lost their outer line of defense and were left no choice but to turtle in their Highground. Vladimir “No[o]ne” Minenko scored an ultra kill while attacking the opponent's base, and then retreated. On the 35th minute, our team claimed yet another Roshan and turned onto offensive. Evil Geniuses' line of Highground defense was dented, but not broken – thanks to buy-backs. 10 minutes later, EG attempted to force a teamfight from Smokes, but were unsuccessful.

The Kryptonite is no more!

Dota 2