defeat Evil Geniuses and paiN Gaming!

A great start of DAC 2018!

The match was opened up with a first blood in's favor. VP have outfarmed their opponents in the early game, and also showed a greater teamfight prowess. The first Roshan was also claimed by our team. Evil Geniuses have lost a crucial teamfight, losing two lanes. VP have emerged victorious from a deciding fight, forcing EG to concede.

The match against paiN Gaming commenced with a first blood in VP's favor once again. The early game had favored the Brazilian line-up more. Our guys have stabilized the game farm-wise thanks to series of successful ganks. First Roshan was claimed by VP. The game was a stalemate until a blunder from paiN Gaming, which allowed to push the enemy's Highground, claiming the victory. на мейджорах и TI7 против команд из разных регионов. Инфографика

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