G2A lose to SK Gaming in the SL i-League StarSeries S3

In the second round of the SL i-League StarSeries S3 Finals group stage, faced off against SK Gaming. The match was played on Mirage: had vetoed Cache, Overpass and Cobblestone, while the Brazilians declined Nuke, Inferno and Train.

Match stats (Mirage)

SK prevailed in the knife round and chose the defense side. The Brazilians took the first three rounds. SK Gaming then went for a slow split attack on the A site (0-4). attempted to play more aggressively, but SK were prepared for that. The Brazilian team continued its winning streak until round 10, when they lost in a 2v2 situation on the A site. SK Gaming disrupted the opponent’s economy and finished the first half with a score of 1-14.

After switching sides, VP.G2A took the pistol round. The Brazilian players went for a force buy and repelled an attack on the B site. Snatching the initiative, SK took the game to victory: 2-16.

NiP will be VP.G2A’s opponent in the third round of the SL i-League StarSeries S3 group stage. The match starts at 17:30 CET on April 6.