qualified for ECS Season 3

In a play-off match of the ECS Season 3 EU Promotion, faced the Turkish team Space Soldiers. The match was in a Best-of-5 format. The right to participate in the third regular season of the ECS league was at stake.

First map stats (Train):

The match began on Train. G2A started on offense with a defeat in the pistol round. Space Soldiers went on to repel the next seven assaults by the Polish five, damaging their opponent’s economy time and again. VP.G2A broke their winning streak in round 9, with a quick entry to the open bomb site. Before switching sides, the Poles scored a further point, improving their chances of staying in the game: 2-13. took the second pistol round The Poles minimized the score difference (12-14). Individual actions by Snax and then TaZ brought about a temporary tie (14-14). The two teams traded points in the two following rounds: 15-15.

VP.G2A prevailed in overtime. byali’s play was especially notable, as he scored a point for his team in a 1v3 situation: 19-17.

Second map stats (Inferno):

The match continued on Inferno. started in defense and won the pistol round, but lost against a force buy in the next one. Space Soldiers snatched the initiative and gained a lead after winning the first buying round (1-4). VP.G2A attempted to playmore aggressively, but were only able to score three more points before sides were switched: 4-11.

Now on offense, the Poles took the pistol round and began to bridge the score gap. Space Soldiers went for a safer playstyle, eventually stopping an attack on the B site in round 25 (8-15). G2A spent the last of their money and tried to shoot their way into to the bomb site, but were defeated: 8-16

Third map stats (Overpass):

The third map began with a triple kill from Calyx. were on offense and built their attacks around split rounds after taking Long A and the playground. Snax’s aggression scored the first point for his team (1-3). VP.G2A won the following two rounds and were able to control of the game. In round 8, Space Soldiers surprised the Poles with their force buy, but evened out the situation and gained a lead: 8-7.

Both teams continued to go head-to-head in the second half-time. This time, the Turkish players were the trailers. XANTARES scored three kills in round 30, forcing VP.G2A to take the fight into overtime. Despite some frustrating misplays on defense, the Poles came out on top in the extra rounds again: 19-17.

Fourth map stats (Mirage):

The match continued on Mirage. Starting on offense, G2A won the pistol round, in which byali made a triple kill. Calyx helped the Turks win a force buy again (1-1). VP.G2A recovered economically and snatched the initiative. Space Soldiers showed good positional play at the bomb sites, but lost the first half-time: 9-6.

After switching sides, the Poles lost the pistol round, which allowed the opponent to even the score. With confident individual plays, G2A were able to retake the initiative and win the map. In round 29, byali and Snax managed to take out all Space Soldiers players on their own: 16-13.

The victory against the Turkish team secured’s participation in the European division of ECS Season 3.