defeated VGJ.Thunder and Effect

6 games on DAС 2018 – 6 wins!

The first blood of the match was shed by VGJ.Thunder. The Chinese team have played a stronger early game. The first Roshan of the game was claimed by VGJ, as well. However, were able to turn the tables around by successfully defending their Highground and teamwiping the opponents. VP's decisive play around 36-minute mark left their opponents no choice of coming back.

The match against Effect was started off with a first blood from The early game was also in control of VP. While Effect claimed the first Roshan of the game on the 19-minute mark, 8 minutes later have sent all of their heroes respawning. Another teamwipe on 33rd minute cemented's advantage. After losing a teamfight on the 45th minute, Effect conceded.

Dota 2