advance to the IEM Sydney 2018 qualifier's grand-final

The Poles continue the battle for a spot in the Sydney tournament.

Mirage was the first map of the match. VP have opened up the game by winning the first pistol round on the T side. However, G2 were able to even the score in the round number 8 (4:4). After that, the Poles once again regained the initiative, closing out the first half 11:4. The post side-swap pistol round ended in the French team's favor, but 3 rounds later, managed to rebuild the economy. By winning 5 rounds in a row, the Poles convincingly closed out the map.

The match continued on G2's pick – Inferno. The first half ended in favor of the French line-up – 4:11. After the side-swap, the Poles managed to win the pistol round but succumbed to G2's famous force-buy (5:12). After that, VP's economy was in shambles with no re-stabilization in sight – 5:16.

The winner was decided on Cobblestone. The Polish Five have started in defense, losing the first pistol round. Following that, reclaimed the initiative after a force-buy play, but the French closed out the first half with a score of 8:7. Following the side-swap, VP claimed 3 rounds in a row, but lost their steam in the first gun-round of the half (11:8). Next round was also won by G2, but then the Poles completely took control of the game by first bringing the opponent to match point and then outright winning the series.