"Tim Rasha" are the champions of WESG 2017!

Our national Dota 2 team is the strongest!

In the first game, Team Russia launched ahead in farm, but couldn't secure the first Roshan. After waiting for some time, Russia's national team won in a teamfight on the middle lane. From now on, the Roshan was in the Team Russia's hands, and on the 40-minute mark, paiN Gaming lost their mid lane. 10 minutes later, Team Brazil were defeated a crucial teamfight and conceded.

The second game's early phase was also claimed by Team Russia. Brazil representatives lost a few skirmishes in a row, but managed to secure the first Roshan yet again. The second Roshan, however, was claimed by Team Russia. Though, paiN Gaming emerged victorious from a midlane teamfight and went on to assault their opponent's Highground. Team Russia couldn't hold the Brazilians and lost the second game of the series.

The decisive match's early game was in the hands of paiN Gaming, but Russia's national team managed to stabilize and even outfarm their opponents. The first Roshan was claimed by the Brazilians. Both teams respected each other, so no blunders were made. The second Roshan was slain in Team Russia's favor, which created an opening for them to win a massive teamfight later. Brazil's national team was left without a midlane, and 5 minutes later, were team wiped in a Highground teamfight. After breaking pain Gaming's resistance, Team Russia claimed the victory.

Dota 2