Roman Dvoryankin: "We have made proper conclusions."

Roman Dvoryankin, General Manager commented on the default loss in the match between VP.G2A and Effect.

Today's situation that occured in the first game of the DAC qualifiers is unacceptable for an organization like Until such things happen all the discussions about "a new level", "a serious approach" and so on are just meaningless talks. I would like to apologize to our fans and organizers of the tournament. We have made proper conclusions and will take steps in the near future.

In the first tour of the CIS Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 qualifiers were supposed to face Effect. VP.G2A were unable to deal with connection issues and received a default loss from the organizers.

The "bears" will play against the loser of the match between Team Spirit — LQ in the lower bracket of the DAC 2017 qualifiers. The match will commence on February 6 at 2 pm MSK.

Dota 2