"Everyone needs to be someone". NEO and olofmeister about pashaBiceps

Happy Birthday, Jarosław!

Paulo Coelho personally wrote to him with the request of borrowing sentence “You are not my friend” for his new words to live book cover, John Cena called and ask for some tips how to train his biceps properly and Lewandowski wanted a couple lesson of kicking the ball with the left foot.

Whole life stubbornly following his owns dreams, in the day when turning 30, Jarosław “pashaBiceps” Jarząbkowski is a character from who you start loving esport.

For his 30 birthday, we all want to thank Jarosław for breaking stereotypes, because thanks to him, many gamers started doing sports, gym and bodybuilding, when joining TeamBiceps.

We want to admire his sense of humour, because there is nothing better to brighten a day than pasha’s stream! We forget about our concerns and are drugged into amazing entertainment.

Big appreciation and thanks for stopping by and letting fans take a picture, for answering our questions, comments. We know you are close to your followers, you respect them and you value them. We know you are here for us, therefore we are here for you!

There are better and worse, ups and downs. This is competition, this is sport. What is the most important that we are ensured, that Pasha will fight, that he has the purpose, that he never surrender. This is his character.

Jarek himself says, that since he remembered he wanted to play football. Without feeling guilty, we are happy that he found himself a champion in esport. We couldn’t wish for a better superstar. Without you Papito, it would be so boring here!

Are you curious, what kind of guy was Jarosław Jarząbkowski in school? Was he a leader, brawler or toughie?

Jarek’s wife says without hesitation that he definitely was a class leader. Moreover, all girls had a crush on him, except Kinga! They even didn’t like each other, but we sense, Biceps knew back then that it was worthy to fight for the Right One. Even all other girls were trying hard to get him to dance on class camp, he ran away to future Ms Jarząbkowska with words: “my dancer is here”, and that is how successful enamour has started. Psst… please just don’t blurt we told you that story!

Jarek turns 30 today. Despite of him being built like a barn door, he is not ashamed of his feelings. Kinga says, that he is such a wonderful dad, loving his daughters more than his life, and when he spends time with girls even his voice becomes gentle. She adds: "in blink of an eye from huge, tough guy, he turns as gentle as lamb, and his voice become so hilarious, that I can’t stop laughing. This is why his daughters loves him so much".

We learn from Pasha, how important family is, and taking care of closest ones. Thank you!

Filip "Neo" Kubski: "Famous sentence Jarek once told us: “everyone needs to be someone" is the one he himself followed with hard work and dedication. Thank do that, he reached top place when he stands at this moment. My friend is so unique and outstanding that wherever we go, to the farthest places in the world he is welcomed with standing ovation. I am extremely happy to be a witness of huge Pashas transformation through last 8 years, we play together. Papito for president! All the best my friend.

Olof "olofmeister" Kajbjer: "Jaroslaw! My brother! What can i say about this guy? You are the most genuine & friendly guy I’ve met. The respect I have for you in the game is big but the respect I have for you as a person is even bigger. Happy birthday friend, hope for many more years of competing against each other but don’t forget our 1v1, what’s the score now again? I hope you get a good and long life, you deserve it for sure.

Now officaily, Jarek, we, as a team VP, fans, followers, haters and family want to thank you for being the role model, player and a really cool guy in our esport world. Best wishes for you so all you of your dreams will come true.