roster update in R6 Rainbow Six Siege roster has undergone some changes — Artur "ShepparD" Ipatov, known for playing for Team Empire, has joined the team, and Danil "JoyStiCK" Gabov, VP team coach, is moving to the role of a player. Eugene "Zheka'' Bokhanov became the new coach of the squad. Alan "Rask" Ali and Andrey "m1loN" Mironov have been put on a transfer list.
Kirill “YaGo” Zolotov, Rainbow Six Siege roster manager:
“After unsatisfactory results in Stage 1 and 2, we decided to make global changes in the roster and invite four players who previously played for Team Empire. But in that transfer window, we could only register two players and a coach, although ShepparD was signed along with everyone else in September. After talking with the players, we decided on the optimal roster composition for Stage 3, and JoyStiCK remained as a coach and substitute player.
ShepparD is a very smart and experienced player and he doesn’t need any introduction to the R6 audience: he has long been known as one of the best supporters in the world. I am sure that he will help us to successfully qualify for SI 2023 in January and the next EUL season. Zheka has been working with the guys for a long time and already knows how to influence this or that player, so the choice as a coach was obvious.
I want to thank and wish good luck in their future careers to both Alan and Andrey. They are great players who gave a lot to our club. I am sure that they will be a great addition to any team.”
Updated Rainbow Six Siege roster:
Danila “dan” Dontsov (captain);
Pavel “p4sh4” Kosenko;
Dmitry “Always” Mitrahovich;
Artur "ShepparD" Ipatov;
Danil “JoyStiCK” Gabov;
Eugene "Zheka" Bokhanov (coach).