New coach for EFT: Arena announce the new coach for the club's EFT: Arena roster: Vladimir "valder" Pospelov.
Vladimir "valder" Pospelov:
"Working with such a big club as is an exciting new challenge for me. I’m glad that I’ve already had the opportunity to showcase our progress in a tournament and to delight the fans of the Bears with a great performance! Winning the trophy boosts our confidence and confirms that we have chosen the right direction for developing our ideas."
Vladimir "valder" Pospelov is a former professional player and coach in CS:GO and Valorant. As a coach for Twisted Minds, he won Saudi eLeague 2023: Season 1 and has led his teams to several prize finishes at various tournaments.
Vladimir is already working with the team. Under his guidance, our roster won WINLINE EPIC EFT: ARENA S2, demonstrating confident performance throughout the tournament.